Not only have we had to worry about the corona virus all year, it’s now the common cold’s time to shine. But have no fear: YOU are in charge of your health. Taking care of yourself on a daily basis can minimise the effects of any germs that just so happen to come your way.
Here are 6 immune boosting activities that you can add to your daily schedule to stay happy and healthy this winter:
- Exercise – While daily movement and exercise are crucial to your health, rest is too. Make sure you’re not overtraining and when your body tells you to take a rest, take it!
- Sleep – aim to get between 7-9 hours of high quality sleep per night. Sleep is your body’s way of processing the day and preparing for tomorrow. Low quality sleep, or not enough of it, can weaken the immune system.
- Cold showers – we’ll let Wim Hof explain this one! And for those interested in cold water therapy, be sure to sign up for our 7th annual Nieuwjaarsduik on 2 January 2022.
- Greens – sometimes it can be difficult to get your greens in. For those long, busy days we recommend supplementation. One of our favourites is Bob’s Best. One teaspoon goes a long way!
- Vitamin C – the age old anti-cold supplement. Vitamin C is always a good idea, especially in the winter months. We like this one.
- Sunshine – sunshine and fresh air are nature’s immune boosters. Even if the sun isn’t shining, spending 30 minutes outside every day is a great way to keep your system running smoothly. Especially when you’re feeling stressed (which can really weaken your immune system) spending a bit of time outdoors can do wonders.
We hope you’ll find these tips and tricks useful. We look forward to staying happy and healthy together all winter long!